Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It Is True: They Are Dumber In Texas, February 22, 2011
Texas lawmakers are weighing a bill that would allow professors and students to carry concealed weapons on college campuses.  "This is about self-defense," said San Antonio Republican Sen. Jeff Wentworth, the legislation's sponsor. "It's about protecting lives of students who are totally vulnerable and defenseless and able to be picked off by a deranged shooter, as was the case in Virginia." 

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Every day the state of Texas seems to blow my mind.  They want to let students and teachers have concealed weapons on campus????  ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!  This makes absolutely no sense.  I would love to know that my teacher is packing heat during class.  See if I fucking ever raise my hand or participate in class.  Fuck that.  You raise your hand in class to tell you teacher he spelled something wrong and you get fucking shot in the dome.  Sounds like fun to me.  Or better yet, you are walking to class and you accidentally bump into a kid and he falls.  Guess what, there goes your knee cap. 

I think that if kids & teachers are able to  have concealed weapons on campus you are asking for straight up gang wars on campus.  No more making fun of kids when your walking to class.  No more laughing at people when they eat shit on their bikes or skateboards.  No more talking during class.  This new law would drop enrollment rates by 50% since people would be scared shitless to go to school.  

I guess people are right.  They are dumber in Texas

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